Pakistan Medical Journal <p>At the intersection of innovation, knowledge, and healthcare excellence, the Pakistan Medical Journal (PMJ) stands as a beacon of scholarly exploration in the field of medical and allied health research. As a publication of Rawalpindi Medical University, PMJ is dedicated to advancing scientific discourse, disseminating cutting-edge research, and fostering international collaboration in the realm of healthcare and medicine.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> en-US (Dr Arsalan Manzoor Mughal (Managing Editor)) (Dr Javeria Tariq-(Senior Manager)) Wed, 01 Nov 2023 04:16:20 +0000 OJS 60 Call For Articles <p><span class="fontstyle0">The Pakistan Medical Journal (PMJ), affiliated with Rawalpindi Medical University, invites researchers, healthcare professionals, and scholars globally to enrich our esteemed journal. Committed to advancing medical and biomedical applied health research, PMJ welcomes submissions in these categories:</span></p> <p><strong>· Original Research Articles:</strong> Share your pioneering research in medicine and allied health sciences to contribute to global healthcare knowledge.<br /><strong>· Reviews:</strong> Experts in specific medical or healthcare fields, craft comprehensive reviews, systematic analyses, or meta-reviews exploring contemporary trends.<br /><strong>· Case Studies:</strong> Share instructive clinical experiences and case reports to provide unique insights and valuable guidance</p> <p><strong>Why PMJ?</strong></p> <p><strong> · Global Reach:</strong> PMJ has an editorial board with international reach.<br /><strong>· Stringent Standards:</strong> Our rigorous peer-review maintains the integrity and excellence of all published work.<br /><strong>· Impactful:</strong> Your submissions can shape healthcare practices, policies, and patient welfare.<br /><strong>· Interdisciplinary Collaboration:</strong> PMJ promotes interdisciplinary research and idea exchange.<br /><strong>· Open Access:</strong> We support open access, making your research freely accessible to a broad readership.<br /><strong>· Promote and Collaborate:</strong> Where researchers in different parts of the world can collaborate with researchers in Pakistan</p> <p><strong>Submit Your Work Today</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle0">Submit your articles by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">registering as an author.</a></span></p> Arsalan Manzoor Mughal Copyright (c) 2023 pmjadmin pmjadmin; Arsalan Manzoor Mughal Wed, 01 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000